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English Church Architecture.
(TL 111 353),
Lower Cretaceous, Gault.)
A church
situated close to the outcrop of the Lower Greensand,
Woburn Sands
Formation, built of very rusty ironstone.
Before the advent of the canals and
(especially) the railways, the transport of heavy goods overland frequently cost
more than the goods did themselves. Builders, therefore, used vernacular
materials whenever possible, preferably sourced within a mile or two of the
site. Mediaeval stone buildings consequently reflect the underlying
geology and churches in particular provide an approximate geological map of
Britain, which is naturally most faithful in areas of less complexity.
This general principle is revealed to good effect along the Lower Greensand
ridge which rises along the western edge of the Lower Cretaceous outcrop of
south and east England, which is itself very narrow in the southeast/northwest
direction, yet extensive and continuous from northeast to southwest, as seen
below. Moreover, the rubble building stones to which the Lower
Greensand gives rise, which are generally known as carstone (chiefly in Norfolk)
or ironstone, are a very distinctive, liquorice-brown colour, which
is difficult to miss. Drivers heading northwest from East Anglia to the
Midlands along one of the quieter roads that passes through intermediate
villages, will suddenly notice one or two village churches (probably no more)
that show they are crossing this outcrop, while someone with a will to do so,
might set out from Hunstanton on the north Norfolk coast and, except across the
Fens, pick his or her way southwest, at least as far as Leighton Buzzrd on the
southern border of Bedfordshire, and encounter one such church after another.
The churches named on the map below, all of which are represented on this
web-site, serve to illustrate this.
The Lower Cretaceous Rocks of
Eastern England, laid down 146-97 Ma.

1 = Heacham (Norfolk); 2 = Castle Rising (Norfolk);
3 = Wilburton (Cambridgeshire); 4 = Cottenham (Cambridgeshire);
5 = Great Gransden (Cambridgeshire); 6 = Bourn
(Cambridgeshire); 7 = Gamlingay (Cambridgeshire);
8 =
Everton (CENTRAL Bedfordshire); 9 = Blunham (CENTRAL Bedfordshire); 10 = Eyeworth
(CENTRAL Bedfordshire);
11 = Biggleswade (CENTRAL Bedfordshire); 12 =
Edworth (Bedfordshire);
13 =
Mary's, Lower Gravenhurst,
is a pleasant little building, now in the care of the Redundant Churches Fund, and
there is enough to see here to justify going to fetch the key. The
building consists of a fairly bulky W. tower with substantial octagonal stair turret at
the southeast angle, and a nave and a chancel built as a single unit.
It is constructed of roughly coursed ironstone and situated about a mile and
a half from the lower greensand outcrop, on boulder clay above gault.
Externally the building may be
quickly described. The tower is Perpendicular and has a simple
three-light W. window and two-light bell-openings. The north and south
doorways to the nave are Perpendicular (of which the former is blocked) and
so is the chancel E. window, but the three windows with cusped Y-tracery
(two to the north and one to the south) and the two-light S. window with a
form of curvilinear tracery, are clearly Decorated, even though the
cinquefoil- (as opposed to trefoil-) cusping, suggests the date is late within
the period.
In fact, though,
deductions of this kind are unnecessary for once, for, most unusually, inside the building in the
chancel S. wall is an original inscription in Old French (shown at the bottom of the page), declaring that St. Mary's
built at the expense of Robert de Bilhemore,
who is known to have died c. 1361. His church, which replaced an
earlier one on the same site, may have been begun shortly after 1320 but was
still unfinished at his death. The tower is an addition of c.
1400 and not part of the original plan.
The chancel is
separated from the nave internally by a screen composed of seven
sections that the Redundant Churches Fund believes to date from the
fifteenth century. It considers the benches to be contemporary, apart
from the two northeastern ones which were added in 1901 to the designs of
the recently deceased Sir Arthur Blomfield (1829-99).
The octagonal pulpit is Jacobean and retains its nicely carved tester (illustrated right). The hourglass
stand that was presumably once part of it (hourglasses were used to time
sermons) has long since been attached to the rood screen. The roof is of
king-post construction and largely original.
Finally, two other items to notice are:
(i) in the chancel S. wall, a two-bay sedilia and a small ogee-headed piscina;
and (ii), opposite in the N. wall, a monument to Benjamin Pigott (d.
1606) and his three wives.